Thursday, September 23, 2010

Nico & Koa's Visit

These are just a few of the images that Nico took on his point and shoot while he and Koa were here. As many of you know, the boys came out to spend time with Kupono, who is quite sick. They loved on him and said their goodbyes.

Ryenne was on cloud 9 that her Uncles were here. Pops set up a special fishing trip and she got to go along to Bastrop with her Pops and Uncles. She loves fishing and she's been talking about it nonstop since they went. I just love that she got to go with them. 

It was really wonderful hanging out with my brothers. I wish that we could do it more often! 

And a Kupono update: Pono is still holding on. He is happy when he is around his ball, but he gets tired very quickly. Mom and Dad have made several "appointments" for him, but it's just such a hard decision to make. On the one hand you don't want to end their life too soon, while on the other you don't want them to suffer.

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