Sunday, September 19, 2010


We started today on a very happy note - Pops' birthday! We headed over to Gams and Pops' house and the kids were excited to see donuts waiting for them. They scarfed them up. They also went outside with Pops and searched for ant piles. Then the real breakfast was ready and we were sitting at the table. Kai wasn't sitting still in his chair and he fell off and whacked his head on the wrought iron table leg. It was a really hard fall.

I scooped him up and loved on him. He was acting tired. We put on cartoons to divert his attention elsewhere. He seemed to be feeling better and I asked if I could leave and take a walk.

I needed that walk. I needed the cool air around me and the slight wind in my face. I huffed and puffed and walked and walked to the end of the road and then turned around and walked back. I felt so wonderful.

Kai hadn't much improved and snuggled on me. Normally he's a lot more alert and carefree and happy. I took the kids home and put Kai on his nap mat in the living room where I could keep an eye on him. As I was hugging him, he rolled over and threw up. Alarms went off in my head. "DANGER! DANGER!" They kept saying. I immediately called our pediatrician and explained what was happening. As I was on the phone with her he threw up more. She said to take him to the ER for a CT Scan.

Called up Gams on the phone and she came right over. I buckled up Kai and headed for the ER. As I looked in the mirror I saw him asleep in his carseat. I kept saying his name and telling him not to go to sleep. I sang and he had very tired eyes.

As we walked into the ER and I went to the triage desk, he threw up again - all over me, his blanket, and the floor. The triage nurse helped me and got me a new blanket and we didn't have to wait long for a room. Kai was such a trooper in the big Scanner. He fussed when he was put on the bed thingy, but then when the bed raised and he started sliding into the machine me and the tech said, "Choo choo!" and he smiled like he was on a train ride. He was nothing short of amazing in that very scary situation.

Back to the room we went with more waiting and more vomiting. I just held him tight. Fortunately, the doctor came in and said that he does have a concussion, but he doesn't have any brain or skull damage. We got to go home.

Kai and I were both covered in vomit so we took a nice bath together. As the afternoon progressed he started acting more and more like himself and even played a little basketball in the play room.

Peter and I got into a fight this afternoon, which just made me feel even more physically and emotionally drained. Overall it has been an incredibly draining day. I think every muscle in my body is hurting. But my heart is happy. My little Kai Boy is ok.


Lacey | Michael | Leilani said...

What a scary thing to happen... thank goodness he's alright. I hope you get plenty of needed sleep tonight and tomorrow will be a brand new day.

Kristi said...

thank goodness he is fine. what a scare. hugs to you mama.

Susan said...

I am so glad Kai is okay. How scary. I hope things are better today....
