Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Information on CFL bulbs... I had no idea!

There is a photographer in town - I don't know her personally, but I follow her blog - and her little two year old got VERY sick at the beginning of the summer. Throughout the summer they have been doing a lot of homeopathic methods and learning a lot to heal their son. 

She recently posted this information that she found about CFL bulbs - bulbs we all thought are the "bees knees" for being awesome. But come to find out... not so much. While they do save energy, they are adding "dirty energy" to our home and we are surrounded by it. It's worth a watch and very thought provoking... I wonder what kinds of effects these things have on Autistic children and ADHD!

1 comment:

Kristi said...

makes me want to go live on a farm.