Thursday, September 16, 2010

New Outfit

This is the new outfit I got today. It felt really nice to be able to shop in the normal sized persons section instead of the plus size section. 

My new outfit

Ryenne was making Cruz laugh. It was the cutest thing. She was biting the bear on his walker and he thought it was hilarious. 

Ry & Cruz

And then here she's got my cowboy boots on. These boots are so cute but man oh man do they hurt my feet (so I just rarely wear them)

Silly Ry
I couldn't quite capture Kai since he was moving around so quickly. He had gotten into my high heels and was prancing around the living room. 

Cruz officially has two teeth now and he has started biting me while nursing. The pain is horrible. Part of me wants to say, "That's it!" and throw in the towel. But then the other part of me says, "It's your last baby. Enjoy every moment."

The last couple of days I've also noticed a lot of growth with Kai. He is really trying to talk more. We have been working on mouth sounds. Aside from basketball, he has also really enjoyed playing with his toy cars lately and his trains (he loves trains). The newest thing for him is to watch breakdance videos. He is in complete awe and tries to dance on the floor. It is the cutest thing ever. I'll try to do a video really soon.


Kristi said...

you look AMAZING, and those cowboy boots are rockin.

ps. i got the teaspoons at anthropologie. i think they were $12.00.

Joanne said...

Wow, Mariah you go girl! Kristi is right you do look have always been beautiful though!!
Your children are so cute and such beautiful hair! Take care sounds like you keep busy. Love Ya!

Susan said...

You look awesome!!! Thx for posting pics. Oh and the biting thing, just remember he can't suck and bite at the same time. So as soon as he gets bored or uninterested in the nursing/sucking part is when he'll bite. When the milk isn't coming. I have had to pay closer attention to max with the same thing.