Friday, October 22, 2010


Yesterday I went grocery shopping while the bigger kids were at school. I just thought I'd take a picture of my counter filled with groceries because I had so much groceries for $100 (the vitamins were $40 of that) I was just so impressed. You don't even see the eggs and two boxes of cereal in this image! 

That cauliflower there along with one of the zucchini's became dinner tonight. I tried an experimental recipe and made cauliflower alfredo. It came out quite tasty! Although next time I think I'll add a bit more garlic. 

My Canon G9 is on the fritz right now. I am using my old Fuji 6mp and it's still going strong. Glad I held onto it so I have a quick, easy camera to grab. All these images are with the Fuji. 

Gams & Pops bought a Thomas the Train tunnel to help with Kai's therapy as he's supposed to crawl as much as possible. It's been a huge hit with both boys! 
Kinda funny though since Cruz is scooting all over the place I'll think, "Where did Cruz go?" and then I find that he's scooted into the tunnel and is just hanging out. It's like his little fort. 

I had a pile of artwork from Ryenne's class and I noticed on one of them that her name was written as if she had done it. Ryenne has insisted for months that she doesn't write and doesn't want to write. I asked if she had written it. She said she did with her teachers help. It made me a little sad that she is ok with writing with her teacher but wants nothing to do with writing with me. So I bribed her with gummy bears and painting today. 

I wrote an R and told her if she could write me a good R I would give her a gummy bear and she could paint these plaster trucks that a friend gave us. The bribe worked! 
 The R's on the very right we drew together... my hand over hers. The two R's in the middle she did all by herself!! SO PROUD!

No pictures of Kai Boy today. He had a rough morning. For some reason he won't poop at school - so he had been holding it yesterday and this morning he was constipated. Finally he passed it and he wasn't at all comfortable. So we headed out into the backyard so he could be a nakey boy, which he loves. We planted some sunflowers, some lettuce, he watered all the plants, and we played choo-choo train with the wagon. He even got to pee on the fence! It ended up being a good day for him, after all!

1 comment:

Lori said...

I LOVE that your rice pot is peeking out from the corner of the pic :)

I swear a trip to the grocery can cure me of a lot of my homesickness, lol.