Monday, October 04, 2010

Kai's Party & Check Up

On Sunday I spent the day cooking away... we were having a really casual birthday dinner for Kai with our Texas 'Ohana - Gams and Pops, the Moore's and the Parayno's.

It was really nice just hanging out, talking story... kinda like having a cookout back in Hawaii - we even had luau food.

Kai got so many wonderful things for his birthday - much needed cool weather clothes, a shopping cart, Chuck the Truck set, and Cars. He has been a busy boy playing with everything!

So on to today....

Today was his 2 year check up. I was nervous about this checkup because of my concerns for his development and the thoughts of mercury. I was really hoping that his doctor would be more open to testing him. I realize that the amount of mercury in a lighbulb is about the size of the period in this sentence. However, he is so tiny and I truly believe that *something* is going on with him. As far as his stats, he is tiny. He's 5% for height and weight with a big head at 50-75%.

A friend of mine has given me recommendations for a natural doctor and occupational therapist and I think I might just make that call. I want to figure out what is going on with my Kai Boy.

1 comment:

Kristi said...

i had no idea you were worried about kai in this way. what did the doctor say? not to worry?