Friday, March 04, 2011

Big Guy

My dearest Cruzito, 

Today you are one. Actually at 10:34pm tonight you are "officially" one. 

Today I cried both tears of sadness that my baby boy is growing up - not to be a baby much longer - and tears of excitement as you are experiencing the world with such wonder, amazement, and delight. I feel privileged to watch you learn and grow. I feel like the luckiest woman on the planet to be your mom. 

Before you came into my life, I didn't know how I could handle a third child. When you were born and looked at me with your deep brown eyes, the love I felt for you was instant and deeper than any other before. A special place in my heart and soul opened up just for you, Cruz. 

In many ways you are an angel sent to me - I often call you my Cherub. 

You are such an easy going baby - you live up to your name in every way - such a Cruiser. You adore your big sister and brother and try your best to keep up with them. 

You love noodles of any kind. And beans. And rice. When you're happy while eating, you kick your feet.  You are so good at taking your bath and usually fall asleep pretty easily. 

I love the moments when you nurse, though they are becoming less and less frequent. I know that soon you will be done. And I will never nurse another baby again. I feel sad about that.

I love kissing the freckle on your foot. And tickling your crazy long toes. And kissing your cheeks. And tickling you. This list could go on and on. 

Cruz - you are one. I can't believe how fast this year has flown by. You are an amazing person and bring so much to my life. I love you my son. 


Today we celebrated Cruz's birthday. This little boy loves Mater. While I was making his chocolate chip pancakes this morning, he played with a new Mater truck. He was thrilled to have one of his own. 

I was hoping to take Cruz downtown for a really neat photo shoot idea, but the sky was really yucky looking and it was part of my vision for the image so we didn't go. Actually after the Central Market incident I was happy to stay home this afternoon. I tried for a few pictures on our front step but he really wasn't into it. I got just one "okay" one.
As I've mentioned before, Cruz has been thisclose to walking. Today he wanted to try walking more. He walked across the living room several times!!! And he was SO THRILLED with himself. I adore this smile!
Below he's shrugging off Peter's help - he can do it himself!

I think this one below is my favorite because he was laughing and smiling so big that he walked across the living room to me. Priceless!!
Peter made one of his favorite dinners - udon noodles with green onion and broth. He ate the entire plate full!
We video'd him getting his cupcake so I'll upload that later. He had a lemon blueberry cupcake and ate the entire thing.
Earlier in the day I took the kids to Toys R Us. Ry and Kai each got their own small toy and Cruz got to pick out a toy too. 

He picked out his own set of Lighting McQueen, Mater, Sally, and Doc. After his bath, he sat in the kitchen and played with his new stash. Such a Big Guy!

Happy Birthday Beautiful Boy!

1 comment:

Kristi said...

this is all so beautiful. happy celebrating.

ps. i know that feeling of the last baby growing up. it is heartbreaking. you still have a few years of him being all yours though. you are very blessed to have three.