Thursday, March 31, 2011

Kai Singing Video

It's been a crazy few days - I've been photographing preschoolers at a nearby preschool - four days total. Around 300 children. Tomorrow is my last day. It has been CRAZY! But in a good way.

Today while we were doing Yoga, Kai started singing "Twinkle Twinkle". I came out of my yoga pose to listen because I HAVE NEVER HEARD KAI SING BEFORE. Never. He just never does. So to hear him singing was like... well - amazing. It was beautiful. He was singing with Ryenne. Sure, they should have been sleeping, but really that doesn't matter!

They continued singing until we were done with our workout and I grabbed the camera to record the magic.

Love it. Love these monkeys. Afterward I went to tuck Kai into bed and Ry came in and kissed him goodnight too. It was incredibly sweet.


Susan said...

Way to go Kai! That was beautiful! Tears in my eyes for you momma!

Katie Bell Moore said...

Hogan loves watching this video of his buddies. He keeps giggling for some reason that I'm sure only a two year old can understand.