Friday, March 04, 2011

I'm writing this out right now because I'm fuming upset and I want to get it out of my system since today is Cruz's special day. It's all about him today.

Apparently I'm not cool enough to shop at Central Market.

I took the kids to Toys R Us today so that each of the older ones could pick out a small gift and we got Cruz a toy. Then we headed to Central Market to pick out cupcakes to bring home as well as pick up some essentials.

Central Market is a swanky "Whole Foods" type store - it's always packed. And going in there is like going to a theme park - it's just so much fun to look at all the varieties of fruits, veggies, seafood, ect.

So me and my three monkeys were going through the fruits and veggies talking about colors, shapes - tasting all the samples that were out. Apparently I wasn't moving fast enough through the aisles for people. All the hipsters were looking at me and rolling their eyes or sighing impatiently as they whizzed passed me in their carts.

In the meat section an older woman turned to her husband and commented on how dark "that boy" is - referring to Kai. My eyes welled up and I got the hell out of the meat section.

In the bakery we were looking at the cupcakes. The kids were obviously excited and people were notably irritated.

I was the only person in that store with more than one child.

As I left the store, I couldn't help but feel like I miss "my people". I miss my kids being the racial majority. I didn't realize that Texas would be a whole different racial/social class ballgame. It bummed me out.


Maehren said...

Oh man. You really have to just feel sorry for someone (bigotwoman) who has had so little exposure to the world that a brown child would seem out of the ordinary to her. Poor, dumb redneck. As for everyone else with their 1.2 children, FUCK EM. Seriously. Do your thang, and if it rocks their narrow little worlds, then let it be their problem. I understand the need to not be immersed in that lack of culture, but while you're there, try not to waste your energy on the utter bullshit of others. That's their stuff, not yours. Hang strong lady. You are SO MUCH BETTER than that crap.

maui said...

Mariah-Obviously, you ran into some narrow minded snobs in Central Market. I understand how upsetting this would be and more importantly how you would not want your children to hear their remarks, but unfortunately these people are everywhere. My friend just returned from vacation on Maui and remarked about how much more casual the Kahului Whole Foods atmosphere is compared to ours. I had never even thought of a grocery store as having an atmosphere but I suppose they reflect the attitude of the people shopping there:-) There are ignorant people everywhere, your children are so beautiful, just count your blessings and ignore them. Janice

Joy said...

Living here in the South, I'm hyper aware of my surroundings especially when it comes to my boys. It's really sad how some parts of our country are not exposed to different racial backgrounds. It's unfortunate how small minded some people can be, and I know how hard it is when you go from being a majority to a minority. You should not let it stop you from going back there again. Next time they say how "dark" your son is, you should tell them they are just envious of his beautiful skin tone!

Susan said...

I am so sorry. Someday heaven will be filled with people who don't see color and just love each other. :). Until then I feel sorry for those ore people. Remember what matters and what is true. Xoxo

Katie Bell Moore said...

That's f-ing ridiculous! I've been the mom with "crazy" children at Central Market so I know how that feels. That's why I love Newflower.

Of course, I have never had a racist comment said about my children though. That's unbelievable especially considering that white folks are the minority in Texas now. Get a clue people. There are more than just whitey, white people like me in Texas. Idiots!!!!

Kristi said...

so wonder you want to go home.

Marti said...

I'm so sorry. I think Kai is beautiful, inside and out. :)