Wednesday, March 23, 2011


It's officially Spring!

I can't believe I forgot to mention that I cut the boys' hair. They haven't let me take their pictures yet - but they look adorable.

But before the haircut, this is what happens when I'm at my wits end and give the kids a cookie in the car on the way home from the grocery store. Adorable, isn't it? I just love that cookie face!

So Cruz's hair grows faster on the sides. He had long, beautiful wisps of hair that would become matted with food. I decided it was time for a little trim. I didn't go extreme - so it looks just right. I trimmed up Kai's hair too - it's still long like a little surfer boy, but he looks more like a "big boy". He says he likes it.

For the first day of Spring me and the kids went outside and decorated our driveway with chalk, planted some grass seeed, watered the front yard (lucky thing there isn't an award for worst yard in the neighborhood - we would win!). I have pictures and will upload them soon.

Everything is starting to green up and get fresh in Austin. It hit 90 degrees today and it was beautiful. I took the kids to Wal Mart to pick up the carseat bags for our trip back to Maui and I rolled the windows down, pumped up the reggae, and with the humidity and warmth we were imagining we were driving back home - ready for the beach. We got home and Ryenne said, "Mama, there is no beach here. Let's leave!" We had a good laugh.

The p90x is going really great. I feel incredibly strong. I have never exercised this much in my whole life!


Anonymous said...

Hey Mariah!

Eliana keeps asking to go to the beach too! She would be a total beach bum if we lived on Maui, lol. Let me know how the car seat bags work out. Saw some on amazon and want to get one down the road for our trip in August!!


Susan said...

I'm so proud of you for the exercise. Can't wait to hear more about how u like it. Can't wait to see the boys haircuts. I'm sure it made you teary.

Marti said...
