Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Me + The Ocean

When I flew into San Francisco, it was 10am. We flew over the mountains and the ocean. The mountains were green from recent rains. The Pacific Coast welcomed me with amazing sunshine. My heart leaped in excitement.

This trip was a work trip to photograph a wedding. It ended up being so much more personal and empowering and led me to find what my soul needs.

I stayed with Auntie Yolly and Uncle Jeff in Daly City. They picked me up and whisked me away to amazing restaurants - the likes of what I we can't find in Austin and what we're familiar with from Maui. Chicken Katsu Curry. Ramen. Vietnamese Chicken. And then they took me all over San Francisco to play tourist. I am so grateful to them for their hospitality. I hadn't seen them in years. Their kids Keanu and Chloe gave me hugs and snuggles since I know they sensed how much I missed my monkeys.

The weather in San Francisco was amazing. Clear. Sunny. (Still cold!). When we went to the Golden Gate Bridge, it was like the Pacific Ocean was smiling at me, "WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN?" it beckoned to me. I don't think anyone realized I was having this internal dialogue with the ocean. It made my heart and my soul happy.

When we went to Crissy Field to the beach, I needed to be with the water. I ran up to the (cold) water, splashed my hands in it, TASTED IT, put the water on my face. And danced. Jeff picked up my camera and got this image of me (THANKS JEFF!).

I had a very special breakfast with Grandmama on Saturday morning - the day I was set to leave. I told her that the water must run through my veins. It was very special because we had breakfast on Grandpapa's birthday and sent up a special thoughts to him. He was a man who craved the water so it's no wonder where this love of ocean comes from. It was special to have breakfast with her on this special day - I forgot to take a picture with her - I was really bummed that I forgot.

As I departed San Francisco and we flew over the coast, I kept my phone on (airport mode) to take some pictures as I said goodbye to the coast.

I'm sure the man sitting next to me thought it odd I was sniffling away and craning my neck to get the last few glimpses of the water as the plane headed Eastward.

As I headed back to Austin, the sun set. I craned my neck to see West, to watch the globe of the sun - but it was hidden from view. The orange color of sunset faded to blackness. My time with the ocean faded away.

I learned a lot about myself on this trip - what my soul needs. I need the water. More importantly, I need the ocean.

While I loved being in California, I learned I'm not a city girl. It's too fast-paced for me. I want to s-l-o-w it all down. I want to go back home to Maui - (edited to add: as in MOVE BACK to Maui.) So I'll make it happen. I don't know when or how yet, but I will make it happen. This trip just confirmed to me how much I need it.

More pictures coming soon :)


Lori said...

Wow....I can so relate to your joy at seeing the ocean. I have never lived this long away from it. I want to get closer too. I don't know if that is a move home for us or a move to the Bay Area. My Dad is in Marin and my hubby applied for some work down in wine country.....
I pray for you your photography takes off big and you guys can move back home :)

Kristi said...

your on a journey that is leading you back home. would your parents go back too? michael really wants to go back to maui, i'm still really uneasy about it.