Saturday, April 02, 2011

Rub-a-dub-dub - 3 Littles in the Tub

Bathtime is one of their favorite times of day. All three of them pile into peach scented bubbles and act like crazy donkeys kicking around, splashing, making bubble beards. It's definitely a part of our day that isn't documented very well.

Ryenne was showing off her bubble beard here. My goodness she has tons of hair.

Cruz has loved taking a bath in the big tub since he was brand new. He loves to slide on his tummy and splash his brother and sister.

"Time to wash my hair? Sure mom!" -- wish it was that easy! heehee

Kai Boy was playing squirt with Peter. He was laughing his head off!

A peak into the bathroom from our bedroom. It's a beautiful view, is it not? Peter has really, really stepped up and makes time to be with the kids - to play with them and enjoy THEM without any other cares of the outside world. This has been a work in progress over the past couple of years - but he "gets it" now. It took some changes last year, but he gets it. And he's a part of their world. I love it.

1 comment:

Kristi said...

cruz just looks so much older all of sudden.