Sunday, April 24, 2011

Sugar Challenge

Ugh. Totally pigged out today. Actually this week was a little rough. I let myself slide a bit on the sweets and have paid for it with a weight gain of 2 pounds and a yucky feeling in the gut.

So after two pieces of Red Velvet Cake tonight, I'm starting my Sugar Challenge tomorrow morning. One week of clean eating - non processed foods, no sugars (aside from fruit of course), and to eat healthy for a week. I think my guts need the cleanse.

The p90x is going great - exercising a ton and seeing muscle definition. No belly fat lost, but I see improvements in my back.

Hopefully this week will help me cleanse my body of the yuckies and get me feeling great again. It's too bad my body doesn't like sugar as my taste-buds love it so!


Krystie said...

I'm with you Mariah!! We can do this!! Keep going!

Susan said...

Scott just got the P90X...we haven't cracked it open, But we have it. I am scared, I haven't worked out hard in such a long time. But am SO tired of my body being where it is at. Good for you to be eating better.