Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Sugar Challenge Day 2

I'm really bummed that I did so terrible yesterday.

It started out really well for breakfast:

2 Eggs cooked with coconut oil and avocado
2 Turkey Sausage Links
1/2 Apple
Coffee with coffee mate & Stevia

Then I had to leave for a photo shoot and I was gone ALL DAY. By the time I got home I was STARVING. I couldn't even get through my workout - felt like I was gonna vomit. So after the workout, Peter's coworker came over so we could talk about cameras and we got Cafe 1626. I wolfed down a burger and fries. I regretted it afterward, but it sure tasted good! And I slept good too.

Today I'm back at it.

1 comment:

Krystie said...

You can do it!! I had a small amount of sugar in the evening when I had a couple sips of my husband's Banana Foster's cappachinco from QT

Here's to a better day 2