Wednesday, September 07, 2011


Tonight was kinda interesting. We went to Ryenne's school for "Curriculum Night". I joked with Peter that we're "Elementary School Parent Virgins" -- The PTA president got up and spoke about how every family should donate at least $35 dollars and then we learned there's a $70 fee for all kindergartners. We heard the principal talking about what a great school they are and how they are labeled "Exemplary" by the Austin ISD.

Peter and I kept looking at each other like, "When is this thing going to end?" it was taking FOREVER! We were finally released to Ryenne's classroom where we got to see where she sits. They share tables - four students to a table. Ryenne and a boy sit in such a way they face a wall. I didn't like that at all. They have posters of all the kids lining the wall and I was looking for Ry's and it wasn't up. My stomach went into knots while I pondered how to ask the teacher about this. It brought me back to that first day of school when she didn't have a place to sit or her name represented on the class wall.

I had Peter ask. Turns out her poster had fallen down. But it still made me sad that it wasn't put up in time for us to visit. And the fact that she sits facing the wall just makes me feel like she's an invisible child. I don't know if she actually is - but it just made me feel mad.

On our way back to the cafeteria for a "big announcement" from the Principal, Peter mentioned to me something that I just hadn't noticed. We were the only mixed race couple there. As I watched the parents in the cafeteria, I totally noticed what he was saying. We were! It was kinda wild!

So the big announcement from the Principal is that the school has too many kindergartners. They are supposed to have maximum 22 per class, but right now they have 25 per class (with just a teacher - no room helper!). So they got approved to open up one more class that will start week after next. They'll be pulling kids from each of the current 7 classes to make a whole new 8th class.

Part of me wants Ry to be put into the new class. But on the other hand, she has made a friend in her current class - just one friend - and I think she's clinging onto this friend for dear life. I know she's overwhelmed still. Kinda a tough thing to deal with - if she has to start over with a new teacher and a new routine.

I'll keep everyone posted on if she's one of the three kids that will be chosen from her class to go into this new class.

Her school is very nice and seems very organized. It's very upper-middle-class.


Susan said...

wondering what ever happened with the class change thing? You are beautiful couple....

Kristi said...

it is so hard...the school thing. i feel like i am in the office all the time with complaints. how are you? your littles look happy and gorgeous as always. x.