Saturday, January 08, 2011

My Views - A Rant

Today a congresswoman and a bevvy other people (including a child) were shot at an appearance in Arizona. I realize there are a lot of immigration issues going on in Arizona and I realize that everyone has their thoughts on this subject.

What was truly sad was reading some of the comments people had left on the bottom of the Yahoo article regarding Mexicans. The Arizona sherrif in charge had this to say: "The anger, the hatred, the bigotry that goes on in this country is getting to be outrageous, and unfortunately, Arizona I think has become the capital. We have become the mecca for prejudice and bigotry."

I don't belong to any political party. Instead, I feel more prone to sticking to my gut when something is right, and when something is wrong.

My heritage, and my children's heritage touches just about every continent of this planet (aside from Antarctica, Australia, and Africa). I am proud to say that while I am American, my roots and their roots go back all over this planet. We are ONE RACE. The human race. I am so sick and tired of people looking down on Mexicans. Like any culture, there are good people and bad people. Like any culture, there are mothers raising their kids to do good, there are well educated people, there are loving people, and then like right here in the U.S. there are bad, sleazy people.

Living in Austin I hear a lot of trash talk about Mexicans. I am part Mexican. My dad holds dual citizenship. This is something I HATE about Texas. I hate the bigotry here. I hate seeing weird stares at my children when I'm outside Austin city limits.

My mom is German. Her relatives immigrated to the U.S. just like many Mexican's immigrated here. Our roots, as Americans, are all from somewhere else, are they not? Maybe everyone should be deported to their home country and we should just give the U.S. back to American Indians and Native Hawaiians. Or is that going to far? Where is the line? Why can't we just get along?


Lacey | Michael | Leilani said...

It feels good to let it out sometimes, huh? I fully agree with you. There's no need for the hate that's been brewing in this country, both ethnically and politically. Sometimes, it makes me want to go back to Canada. But they have their issues too.
You are such a good person and I feel horrible that you or your kids ever have to deal with this kind of nonsense.
Stay strong don't worry too much, and keep being the wonderful person you are.

Kristi said...

mexicans are such a huge part of the south west, i can't imagine an arizona without them. as an expat i have empathy for anyone living in another country. it is definitely not an easy life, and i can't imagine living in one where you felt unwanted. my mom lost her housekeeper many months ago as she fled with her family in tow to new mexico. can you imagine. with that said there are issues there, just nothing that grants harm.

Lacey | Michael | Leilani said...

PS. Stop reading the comment sections on Yahoo. I know it's tempting to see what people are saying, but it never ends well. It's just infuriating. Every time.