Friday, January 28, 2011

This morning while Cruz napped we put paper and crayons and heart cutouts with glue sticks all over the table. Ryenne and Kai colored. Normally I'd try to be all up in their faces trying to get pictures of it, but today I just sat with them at the table and watched their little hands create. Ryenne colored a a heart with flowers (a coloring book page) and she colored inside the lines. She was so proud. I helped her cut out the outline and we put it on the front door. She was grinning from ear to ear.

Today I had to take Kai to an appointment at Dell Children's Hospital. Part of his therapy was to get his hearing checked and the appointment day finally came. It was nice to get away with just Kai Boy. We were driving up the freeway and talking about race cars and trucks and how there was an orange hot rod in front of us. We were laughing. And out of nowhere he said, "I love you mama". And I told him I was so happy to have this time with just him and he told me, "Me too". When we parked at the hospital he held my hand and walked inside like a big boy. He smiled at everyone and flirted in his Kai Boy way. He passed the hearing test with flying colors. On the way out I told him how good he was and he said, "French fries?" - so I bought him his own french fries to munch while we sat in traffic on the way home.

And Cruzer.... gosh he's just growing like a weed. He is so close to walking that he can taste it. It makes me so nervous to watch him climb his push toy and gingerly step forward with it. I keep lunging for him like he's going to fall flat on his face and he just smiles at me like, "Just let me try it mom". So I let him and he inches forward.

This afternoon it was nearly 80 degrees - it was gorgeous. We took a little afternoon walk - all five of us. When asked what they wanted for dinner, two monkeys yelled cereal, yogurt, and blueberries. Three Littles are happily sleeping. I have no pictures from today. But it was beautiful.

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