Thursday, December 23, 2010

It's not all terrible

I know that my last posts have been so downtrodden (is that a word... it just seems like the right word). I was really in a funk.

Firstly here's a video of Cruzito playing with cars. I find it so interesting that little boys naturally gravitate toward cars and trucks and start to say "Vroom" before anyone even teaches it to them. He's also crawling with his tummy off the ground... growing!

 On Saturdays Hannah comes over to watch the kids for a few hours while I can edit sessions and catch up on photography things (but I still never have enough time to tackle clutter control!). On Saturday Hannah brought the kids Christmas gifts and asked if they could open them right away. Of course the kids were happy to oblige. Ryenne got a puzzle, a purse, and a chapstick, Kai got a puzzle book, and Cruz got a teether. It was really sweet and unexpected. (all the photos below are iPhone)

 Since there's no preschool I have been trying to keep the kids super busy. We made pancakes the other day. Kai was so funny because I hadn't let him hold an egg before and he squeezed it and it exploded everywhere. He was really afraid of it. Ryenne did a super job pouring milk and stirring. They ate every last drop of pancake. Ryenne really excels at baking and cooking.

 We had therapy yesterday and it went really, really well. Kai was excited to get in the sauna and we talked and sang for the half hour we were in there. He also let Marti put headphones on him. The last time we tried Kai lasted about 5 seconds before wanting them off. He wore them yesterday for almost 25 minutes! He was so patient. He also got quite a trunk workout on the swing. He was a tired little guy after this session. 

Marti also gave me a sample to try of Xymogen Brain Sustain to try Ryenne on. It's a supplement/protein powder. In all honesty, after I gave it to her this morning, she has been great today. I don't know if it's just a good day or if the Xymogen is really helping.
 Since Peter is pau with school (pau means finished for all you mainlanders), he got to come to Marti's to watch for the first time. He got to play with Cruz on Marti's toys too.
 This morning we had planned to meet with Katie, Jackson, and  Hogan for a casual walk at the Circle C walking trail. I wore Cruz in his carrier and we made all the other kids walk with us. It couldn't have been a more beautiful day. I think it was about 60 degrees with some slight overcastness to the sky - enough to create beautiful light. I love how Ry and Jackson are such good friends.

 Katie and Hogan. Katie and I are going to sign up for a 5K together. I told her I am too chicken to do a 10K.
 Don't know why she's so forlorn in this one... she had a really good time.
 After rest time we noticed that the tree outside had FINALLY dropped most of it's leaves. They were amazing shades of brown, orange, red, and purple. We decided to go play in them. By this time it had warmed into the low 70's. Cruz likes to taste leaves.

 This was so funny because he didn't want to put his knees in the leaves.

 Poor Kai had a meltdown in the leaves. Between the crunch when he walked and them just being everywhere, it was sensory overload for the little guy. I felt really bad because I thought he would have enjoyed it. 

Grandmama arrived safely to Austin today!!! And she got to meet Kai and Cruz for the first time. Magical.

1 comment:

Lacey | Michael | Leilani said...

So many good things in one day... I like to hear things are a bit happier for you.