Thursday, December 30, 2010

Ryenne Update

I have taken everything that has been commented and emailed and telephoned in to me very seriously. I've been panning through the many recommendations I've received and decided what works for our family and what doesn't when it comes to Ryenne. One thing is for sure.... she has forced me to step up to the plate when it comes to being tough and firm.

We are seeing some wonderful improvements in her behavior and I think we can attribute it to these things:

  • the Brain Sustain powder she is on really seems to help mellow her out
  • we have cleared all her toys and pretty things out of her room - all except her books, bed, and clothes - so when she throws a tantrum things won't get broken
  • doorknob was installed backward so when she hits, yells, pushes, ect she goes to her room and door is locked from the outside
  • complementing/recognizing her good behavior
  • involving her with more help around the house - putting laundry into the machine, pushing buttons, pouring ingredients into the pot when cooking, adding cinnamon to cereal - just little things that make her feel more involved and as though she is "helping" instead of being a bother. 
  • we've also added the car mat, cars, and puppets to Kai's room. After bath time we all go to Kai's room for stories and to play as a family. She has started to realize that Kai's room is "the cool room" and if she wants her fun things back in her room she needs to be on very good behavior
So far so good. When she's sweet she is such a beautiful person. I want to keep that side of her around all the time. 

1 comment:

Susan said...

Great ideas. Hope things are still improving