Friday, December 10, 2010

A New Addition

When Chico passed on I thought to myself that we'd be a one dog household. Dexter is such a good boy and he's such an easy dog. He fits seamlessly into our family - why muck it up? 

Things were going great until Dexter started nibbling his thighs and licking the wounds like crazy. It started out when we would leave him at home alone, and then it continued into the night. We put him on anti-anxiety pills. 

And it occurred to us and to family members that maybe it was US who was ok with a one dog household. Dexter has never been without a doggy friend since the moment we brought him to live with us almost 9 years ago. HE needs a dog buddy. So I started looking at Craigslist and rescue shelters in our area. 

I was on Austin Pets Alive! website and saw a picture of a mini-dachsund in foster care. She was so dang cute and I thought I'd just see if maybe we'd have a chance to meet her and adopt her. We met with her the following morning with the kids and Dexter. She is so tiny and so sweet. She gave us all kisses. I put in the application and waited 24 hours with no word - I was really nervous. 

When I heard yesterday that we had gotten her and just needed to go through the interview I was so excited. Actually the entire household was excited! Her name was Missy but we've changed it to Emmy "Tomimbang" Faye (if you grew up in Hawaii, you know who Emme Tomimbang is. We all grew up watching Emme's Island Moments). 

Emmy had Parvo and she got very sick and very thin. She's only 11 weeks old and in need of love and fattening up. She has done wonderfully with the kids this entire afternoon - paying particular attention to licking Cruz's face. She is Parvo negative and will get her first visit with the vet on Monday. 

We are so excited that she will be a family member and grow up with the kids and that Dexter won't be alone all the time. I think she will help him get over his anxiety. 

Dexter in his dapper sweater (he is always cold)
Miss Emmy Tomimbang
 Her new forever family!!!

1 comment:

Kristi said...

oh she is so cute.