Saturday, December 04, 2010


Today was a much better day than the last few days. I woke up and had coffee (perhaps I should just have a constant drip going?) and we all headed off for the Breakfast with Santa thing at the kids' school. They all got to sit on Santa's lap. Cruz and Kai weren't quite sure about it... 

We told Ryenne and Kai (again) that we wouldn't set up the Christmas tree until they were well behaved all day. They were pretty darn good today, aside from a few squibbles which I forgave.

But before we get to the tree... you have to check out this baby grabbing the camera...

With a big cookie face!
Cruz thoroughly enjoyed his very first Holiday Oreo. 
And just since Cruz is so cute... another one from his nap wake up. 

Then we set up the tree. It was magic. The house was missing this sparkle. Ryenne was very proud of herself for being so good today. She did a great job putting up "ordaments".
Ry was a great help with the tree. But it was very special to see Kai so into it. He was so small at the last Christmas that he didn't really understand. This time around he was in awe of the tree. And so was Cruz.

I love Ry and Kai looking at the tree above... and I love how excited Kai is to show the tree to his baby brother.

Cruz has learned how to say "WOW". We set up the tree while he was napping and when he woke up, Peter brought him downstairs and as soon as he saw it he started saying "Wow" and "Wow wow" and "oooooh" I took a video... it's hard to hear him over Kai Boy, but you can definitely hear him saying "WOW!"

My mom and I watched a movie called "The Backup Plan" the other day and in it this one father tells a father to be that having children is awful. And then it's awful more. Then it's awful again. Then the most miraculous thing happens to make all the awful worth it.

Today was a miraculous thing. I needed it so bad since the last weeks have been so hard and so rough and kinda awful.

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