Friday, December 24, 2010

Merry Christmas Eve!

Ah Christmas Eve...

Ryenne was up by 7am telling me, "You know what? It's Christmas Eve!" and she's been excited all day. I gave her the Xymogen shake this morning and she has been pretty good today.

A couple videos from today:
Cruz having a bath in the sink playing his favorite game... Peek-A-Boo

And me playing Peek-A-Boo with the older two just before we baked cookies for Santa

I think it's kinda hilarious how Ryenne whacked herself with the cookie box and how Kai went from saying "Merry Christmas" to wearing the cookie pan as a hat :) 

We started our day  heading out for the grocery store which was CRAZY BUSY. I am having a carpal tunnel episode and making cookies from scratch just doesn't sound fun right now so we wanted to pick up some cookie dough, pie, and egg nog. The kids were so good throughout the craziness at the store. They were each rewarded with a balloon at the register. 
Cruzito got crazy messy with his banana at lunchtime so into the sink he went.

While the boys were napping, Ry and I made reindeer food. We used rolled oats and cinnamon. She decorated her bag and I did Kai's. When Kai woke up we stood out on the front stoop and threw the reindeer food out onto the grass. A rogue rain cloud was passing over at the time, so the kids just threw it within reach. The cinnamon smelled good. 

Gams, Pops, and Grandmama came over for dinner. We had an amazing salad and spaghetti. Gams and Pops took our stockings home with them after the kiddos went to bed. Peter and I enjoyed eating Santa's cookies and we made a card for the kids letting them know that Santa stopped by but took the gifts over to Gams and Pops house (we didn't set up our Christmas tree after taking it down the other day). 
I am actually relieved that we're going to Gams and Pops house. Firstly, they have more comfortable seating (a recliner and a rug) and I'm hoping (perhaps) that I'll feel more like a kid instead of an adult. 

Peter works tonight and tomorrow so he'll be pretty tired throughout Christmas morning but will stay for gift opening and then head home to sleep. I can't believe Christmas is already upon us.

Merry, Merry Christmas - to all my dear family and friends. May the Season be yours to enjoy no matter who/what you believe in.

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